In this webinar, you’ll learn about how delivering an immersive virtual try on to your e-commerce customers increases customer engagement and trust. With augmented reality, you can easily deliver digital inventory that can be tried on, altered, and purchased by any website visitor, from any device. In today’s world where customers and businesses are physically separated, it’s more important than ever to ensure your product is accessible. We’ll show you how simple it is to add this exciting new tool to your digital toolbox.
Learning objectives:
-Understand what augmented reality is and how it delivers virtual try on via website plug in
-Learn about consumer trends and how to ensure your brand is giving shoppers what they want
-Learn the basics of the Trueview AR process and how to succeed with our software long-term
Organizer: JCK Webinars | Panelists: Cortney Conde and Scottie Liu of Trueview AR
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