Have You Found Any Use for ChatGPT in Your Stores?

Joseph Denaburg
Joseph Denaburg

We use ChatGPT all the time. My favorite use is having it generate lists of ideas around a specific topic, and then asking it to write 500-to-600–word articles. The most important aspect is outlining very specifically how you want it to approach a task. One prompt I have used is “Act as a jewelry industry expert with access to a pool of experts in all areas of the jewelry industry with a special focus on vintage jewelry, art history, diamonds, and rare colored gemstones. Come up with a list of 10 different blog post ideas directly relating to the Edwardian period that would help tell the story of how jewelry styles evolved. The posts should be both educational and entertaining for anyone interested in the topic.” Fact-checking is important, though. It once told me, “In 1862, the Gemological Institute of Amsterdam introduced the first-ever diamond certificate.” I could find no evidence the Gemological Institute of Amsterdam ever existed.
Joseph Denaburg, sales and internet marketing, Levy’s Fine Jewelry, Birmingham, Ala.


Viviana Langhoff
Viviana Langhoff

Initially, I approached the use of technology with caution. Being an early adopter doesn’t always guarantee success, especially considering the rapid pace at which innovations can become obsolete (e.g., Clubhouse, Threads, etc.). However, we’ve found value in leveraging [AI] to elevate our social media copy and business writing. While it’s not without its flaws, requiring manual adjustments to align with our brand voice, it has undoubtedly streamlined our processes and saved us valuable time.
Viviana Langhoff, owner, Adornment + Theory, Chicago


Jenny O Calleri
Jenny O. Calleri

I absolutely love ChatGPT. I use it for social media posts [and] to write letters to my suppliers, job postings, text messages to clients. You name it, I use it! Why not embrace technology? You just have to be specific and tell it exactly what you want to do. When it spits out all these great ideas, I then put my own “Jenny O” twist on it.
Jenny O. Calleri, owner, Huntington Jewelers, Las Vegas


Chae Carter
Chae Carter

We try to automate or streamline as much as we can. We are always trying the latest tech or app; we of course jumped on ChatGPT as soon as it was released. We write blogs for the website, and ChatGPT has helped save so much time with that. We also wanted longer and more thorough descriptions for our online items, and once we started using ChatGPT for item descriptions, they began to look and feel how we envisioned. We still write our own social captions, as it’s our personality. We sometimes use [ChatGPT] for brainstorming, trying to find the proper word or phrasing.
Chae Carter, owner and president, Carter’s Collective Fine Jewelry, Petal, Miss.

(Top: Getty Images)

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