Revere and Learning Annex Offer Seminar

San Francisco’s Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts is teaming up with the Learning Annex for the second time this year to present a day-long seminar for jewelry designers. The event, titled “How to Start Your Own Jewelry Line,” will be held in downtown San Francisco on Sept. 19. The Learning Annex offers continuing education seminars nationwide and collaborated with Revere this spring to present a similar event that attracted more than 300 attendees.

The seminar covers the essentials of a career as a jewelry designer and includes topics such as “How to Develop Your Identity,” “Where to Find Inspiration,” “Pricing and Selling Your Work,” plus how to work with sales reps, galleries, jewelry stores, trade shows, and magazines.

Moderator Alan Revere is a master goldsmith, author, and teacher of jewelry. Panelists include Harriete Estel Berman, an internationally acclaimed jeweler and sculptor; Thea Nicole Izzi, a Fulbright scholar, instructor, and award-winning jewelry designer; Amy Faust, who has made a popular line of beach glass and silver jewelry since 1994; Kate Richbourg, who works in the bead industry, teaches nationwide classes, and helps students promote their own beadwork.

The fee for the day is $55 general admission or $32 for Revere students. For further information contact Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, 760 Market St., Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94102; (415) 391-4179 or visit To register, call the Learning Annex at (415) 788-5500 or visit

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