Last year Tiffany attempted to entrench its status as bridal design leader with the launch of the new Lucida ring. Now two other international retailers are following suit, courting brides with modern designs and stylish brand names. Asprey & Garrard recently launched its Eternal Cut solitaire diamond engagement rings, and now Cartier is updating its bridal jewelry offerings.
Cartier recently announced two new engagement rings that-like those by Tiffany and Asprey-aim to maximize the diamond’s appearance by using classic designs with modern twists. Its first new creation, called simply a classic ring, has a band that narrows as it nears the diamond, which is held in place with four prongs-not unlike Tiffany’s Lucida ring. Cartier also is offering a contemporary design that affords a view of the diamond’s profile.
Asprey & Garrard, meanwhile, is focusing on its Eternal Cut diamond bridal jewelry. The diamond, with 81 facets, was introduced last year in solitaire rings. This year the collection grew to encompass eternity bands as well as three-stone and seven-stone rings. The company soon will follow up with an oval Eternal Cut and emerald Eternal Cut line.