A buyer looking for artful design in jewelry attends the American Craft Council (ACC) show, of course. Those searching out international flavor attend either Basel or Vicenza, or one of the large U.S. shows.
Starting this year, however, buyers will have an opportunity to combine the two concepts and view the finest in international jewelry art at one small exhibition.
This month, the Jewelers Resource Bureau is launching its first fair, a small and exclusive event in Baltimore. Titled GlobalDESIGN 2001, the event will feature the works of jewelry designers from around the world.
According to Cindy Edelstein, president of the Jeweler’s Resource Bureau, the goal is to introduce the best new designers from around the world to gallery and retail jewelry buyers in the United States.
While nearly every one of the major shows has a “New Designer” section, never has a show been attempted that features new design talent as the sole lure for buyers.
Taking place at the same time as ACC’s Baltimore show, GlobalDESIGN 2001 aims to expose those buyers to the international talent not showcased at ACC shows, where exhibitors must be Americans. The jewelry at GlobalDESIGN will be targeted especially to the gallery-type buyer who attends the ACC.
“It’s a global world now, and the lines are blurring. International artisans need a venue to meet these buyers,” Edelstein says. “The buyers are missing something if they aren’t seeing these designers.”GlobalDESIGN 2001 will be held Feb. 20-22 in the presidential suite of the Hyatt Inner Harbor in Baltimore.