Jewelry Information Center has published a step-by-step guide to develop or improve public-relations practices for jewelry retailers and manufacturers. JIC’s “Public Relations Handbook” provides tips, suggestions, and guidelines for jewelers looking to develop and incorporate public relations into their overall business plans.
Subjects covered in the handbook include working with the media, generating in-store excitement, industry issues, creating a media kit, using a public-relations agency, and using the Internet to promote a business. The handbook has been revised and redesigned from an earlier version and covers more topics with new and updated information. In addition to providing more in-depth coverage of public relations, the book is laid out in short paragraphs and bullet form and is smaller in size.
The cost of the handbook is $25 for JIC members and $50 for nonmembers, plus shipping. It can be ordered by contacting JIC at (800) 459-0130, e-mail: