She dines on air and designs with antlers: A chat with the colored-stone mix master
If there were a Cosmopolitan-style “Fun Fearless Female” award for the jewelry industry, Katey Brunini would get our vote. Brunini—who in August was named Fine Jewelry Designer of the Year by the Women’s Jewelry Association—will work with just about any material, from the most precious colorless diamonds to shimmering Australian Jundah opal to bone, moose antler, fossilized walrus tusk, cocobolo wood… She designs for science geeks (her twisty, double helix–structured DNA pieces), arachnophiles (even Miss Muffet would have loved her diamond- and pearl-filled Spider Web jewels!), nature girls (her Twig line, which ranges from fashion to bridal), and warrior princesses (her Body Armor collection includes a silver shin guard). The San Diego–based Brunini isn’t afraid to mix it up, which we suspect dates back to her first job as a teenager: smoothie maker.
Gretchen Bayer
Solar Wind
Age: 40
Number of years in the biz: 20
Number of employees you oversee: 12, plus many subcontractors
Family/pets: Grace, the huntress cat
Describe your personal style: Eclectic
First piece you ever designed: Solar Wind for the Del Mar Fair in 1992
Brunini’s Dalai Lama commemorative coin
The single piece of jewelry you’re most proud of: Commemorative coin for His Holiness the Dalai Lama event
Favorite gemstones: Big baroque pearls, opals
Best piece of advice you ever received: “Keep it simple, stupid.”
Worst piece of advice: I don’t remember, as I was not listening.
Chris Trayer
K. Brunini Tahitian pearl necklace
First job ever: DaKine smoothie maker (age 13)
How did you get started designing jewelry? Custom designer at J. Jessop and Sons
If you weren’t designing jewelry, what would you be doing? Homeless poet
Jewelry you’re wearing right now: See photo.
Gretchen Bayer
A bejeweled Brunini
Items on your desk right now: Antlers, coffee, highlighters, wooden ruler, rosemint lip gloss
Songs on your playlist: “Fango,” Jovanotti; “Treat Me Like Your Mother,” the Dead Weather; “Jewel Thief,” the Kills; “Dark Roman Wine,” Snow Patrol; “Ahir,” Prem Joshua; “Interfaith Prayer,” To Heaven and Beyond
Exercise regimen: Pilates, hiking, and anything in the ocean
What did you have for breakfast? Air
Guilty pleasure: Stilettos
Drink (daytime/evening): Wine (both)
First website you check every day (not your own!): Bank of America
Scent: Bergamot and grapefruit essential oils
How do you unwind? Reiki
What’s your favorite part about living in Southern California? I am a child of the world.
Superstitious? Overly
Book you’re reading: Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012, Drunvalo Melchizedek; Drive, Daniel Pink
Book you’ve been meaning to get to: The Bible
Preferred news source: Neighbor
Favorite movie: Il Postino
Main means of transportation: Foot, airplane
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: Spargi, island off of Sardinia (accessible by boat or canoe only)
Who would play you in your life story? The child of Meryl Streep and some random pirate
Personal motto: Tutto è possibile. (Everything is possible.)
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