Creating a new page? Trying to spruce yours up? Take a few tips from these retailers.
Day’s Jewelers understands the value of a question, soliciting fans’ opinions on everything from their preferred color of gold to their thoughts about the brand. The retailer also stays on top of trends outside of the jewelry industry: At the chain’s Waterville, Maine, store, customers and browsers were entered into a drawing for an Apple iPad.
tech-savvy retailer takes its landing page for non-fans a step farther
than most, using the space to plug Godwin Jewelers’ text-message
promotion service (joining gets you a $25 gift card). Members of the
3,200-strong fan base frequently write in with questions or comments,
and the staff always responds.


page has many features to which marketing pros would give a digital
thumbs-up: a dedicated landing page that welcomes non-fans and asks them
to “like” the page; links to local and trade media coverage; and images
of custom work. Samuel Gordon Jewelers’ roughly 3,200 fans are
obviously engaged; note all the testimonials and pictures of purchases
posted on the wall. |
keeps this retailer’s 1,600-plus fans chattering? Probably Ben Bridge
Jeweler’s sharp focus on jewelry-centric pop culture happenings. Recent
posts include a roundup of pieces inspired by the popular cable drama
Mad Men. Even reality-TV staple The Bachelorette got a shout-out thanks
to a segment about pearls on the show.


are a grab bag of everything from jewelry-related trivia to questions
about fans’ weekend plans—all designed to get a collective digital
conversation rolling. Fred Meyer Jewelers is heavy on the product
photos, but manages to avoid the hard sell by simply asking fans what
they think of particular styles.