Jewelers make three common mistakes when hiring salespeople:
Hiring candidates with product knowledge or GIA training and assuming they can sell.
Hiring experienced candidates and assuming they can sell.
Hiring candidates who look and dress nicely and may have some experience.
Here’s a better option: Hire candidates with a smile and enthusiasm regardless of experience or product knowledge.
Here are tips on hiring a salesperson:
Look for the candidate’s smile and enthusiasm. If she has them, hire her.
Listen. Of course you want to talk about your store, but cool your ego. Let the candidate talk and don’t interrupt.
Check their appearance. Look for clothes appropriate for work in your store, neatly trimmed nails, and intact nail polish. Remember, salespeople sell with their hands.
Consider experience but don’t make it primary. Experience gives a salesperson some confidence in selling, but if a prospect is leaving another jewelry store, be wary—you may be getting some other jeweler’s problem.
Be aware of the interviewer’s personality. Jewelers usually hire salespeople who are not unlike themselves. Make sure whoever does the hiring has a good smile and enthusiasm; otherwise, do the hiring yourself.