The Centurion Jewelry By Invitation Only trade show recently announced its dates and full roster of exhibitors for 2003. The show is scheduled for a second year at the Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 2-6, 2003. The show’s dates are designed to allow retailers to enjoy Centurion, visit the Tucson gem shows, and get back into their stores by the Friday before Valentine’s Day.
According to show organizers, Centurion boasts 94 of the industry’s top vendors for 2003. Any new spots were filled immediately and a waiting list has formed for new exhibitors. Mikimoto was among the first new exhibitors to join Centurion 2003. Other new additions include Barry Kronen Designs, Bergio, Charriol, Cyma, Erica Courtney, Gellner USA, Gumuchian Fils, Honora, JFA Designs, La Nouvelle Bague, Lawrence Chalson, Lazare Kaplan, Lisa Jenks, Mark Patterson, Mattioli, Maurice Lacroix, Michele Watches, New Italian Art, Sakamoto, Sequoia Jewelry, Steven Kretchmer, Vaid, Varna, Vendorafa, and Zydo.