WJA’s Members-Only Connect Platform Widens Organization’s Reach

The Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) has introduced a members-only online platform, Connect, that facilitates member-to-member networking, hosts educational forums and discussions led by leaders in WJA’s 20-plus chapters, and also functions as an events and announcement board.

The platform brings WJA’s support network for women in the jewelry industry to the digital realm and in the process widens its reach—by engaging members who don’t live in regions with an active WJA chapter.

Members create a profile on Connect that details their professional accomplishments and talents. Through that profile, they can access a member directory.

Connect debuted sixth months ago and since then nearly half of WJA members have created accounts, posted, asked questions, and interacted with fellow members, the organization reports. “This level of activity is more than double what forums such as these typically see in a short time period, according to Higher Logic, the site’s developer,” reads a prepared statement from WJA.

WJA executive director Jennifer Markas said in the same statement, “When our members visit Connect, they know they’ll find a professional atmosphere, akin to our live networking and educational events.”

WJA membership coordinator Rachel Jurisz noted, “The conversations on Connect are of a higher quality than you might see in public forums. Visitors are looking for crowd-sourced guidance on everything from design and website management to financial and operations insights for their businesses.”

WJA plans to launch more chapter forums on Connect and further stoke participation and engagement on the platform. Connect is accessible to all WJA members here.

Top: The WJA Los Angeles chapter at an event (photo courtesy of WJA)

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JCK Senior Editor

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