WJA Announces 28 Grant Recipients

The Women’s Jewelry Association Member Grant Program has awarded a total of $14,000 to 28 members across the country. The purpose of the WJA Member Grants is to provide a financial contribution for ongoing education for women in the jewelry, watch and related industries. All WJA members who submit an application are eligible for the grant selection process. Grants are awarded in amounts up to $500.

The 2009 recipients include:
• Cynthia Sliwa (LA Chapter)
• Ann Arnold (Metro Chapter)
• Nancy Kuhl, Kathleen Hammond (Midwest Chapter)
• Melissa Spence, Beverly Strom (Rocky Mountain Chapter)
• Kimberly Vagner, Lisa Slovis-Mandel, Jill Prantera, Peggy Tsiamis (San Diego Chapter)
• Emily Johnson (Twin Cities Chapter)
• Ann Fagin (Northern California Chapter)
• Julia Behrends, Marilyn Salvatore, Sara Onderdonk (New England Chapter)
• Constance Berry (Southeast Chapter)
• Suzanna Stull (Mid-Atlantic Chapter)
• Heather Seever (Pacific Northwest Chapter)
• Valerie Heck, Odaybea Morrow (DC Chapter). 

Additional recipients include:  
• Evelyn Huang (LA Chapter)
• Rebecca Buys (San Diego Chapter)
• Merrill Essex, Julie Schwalbe, Alison Newmann, Amber Erickson (Midwest Chapter)
• Deborah Durant (Northern California Chapter)
• Carolyn Jacoby (Metro Chapter)

Funds for the grants are raised in part by through WJA’s silent auction, held during the annual Awards for Excellence gala. Additional funding comes from companies and individuals who support WJA’s mission.

For more information on WJA or member grant applications or sponsorship, visit www.womensjewelry.org or call (708) 361-6266.

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