
Stuller Promotes Four to Vice President Roles


Lafayette, La.-based jewelry manufacturer Stuller has promoted several longtime employees to vice president positions.

Steven Domingue has been promoted to vice president of digital technology. He joined Stuller in 2011.

Morgan Waters was named vice president of marketing. She has been part of the company’s merchandising and marketing teams since 2013.

Morgan Waters
Morgan Waters

Sumit Saha, who joined Stuller in 2016, has been promoted to vice president of technology.

Sumit Saha
Sumit Saha

David Medina has been appointed vice president of manufacturing. He has worked for Stuller since 2002.

David Medina
David Medina

In May, Stuller elevated three company veterans to C-level posts.

(Photos courtesy of Stuller)


By: Rob Bates

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