That Amy Glaswand can find inspiration in many forms is made evident by the photos she shares on Instagram—not to mention her own sleek, modern designs. The designer, who trained in fine arts and further honed her skills working in the fashion and film industries, has a rich professional history culminating in her jewelry line that people—yours truly included—can’t get enough of. That’s why I love her social media presence: It’s a front row seat into the mind of the 2016 JCK Rising Star. Glaswand posts pictures of ordinary—albeit beautiful—objects encountered on everyday excursions, and you get a sense that the creative wheels are turning.
You seem to find inspiration no matter where you go, and I love that you post photos of your findings along the way. Is there a favorite place (like a specific vintage store, or even neighborhood) that you visit when you need an inspiration boost?
Amy Glaswand: Lately, I have been looking in the windows of the antique shops on East 60th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. There is an assortment of interesting stores with amazing midcentury lighting and furniture. I find inspiration often in midcentury lighting and shapes. I also love to spend time at the Met Museum—especially the ancient jewelry section.
You do a great job at taking us through the process of your jewelry creation on Instagram. There are behind-the-scenes sketches, CAD renderings, and, of course, beautifully presented finished product. Do you find that there is a style of Instagram post that you like best or one that tends to perform best with your followers?
Glaswand: Since posting on Instagram is fairly regular, I am always happy when I have progressed to a new piece—or find myself someplace unexpectedly, and hopefully with my jewelry, to snap an interesting shot. I do find that I get many positive responses when I post a piece of my jewelry next to the original sketch. It seems to resonate with my followers; they enjoy seeing the evolution of a piece. I am hoping to get back to more sketching, but often don’t like to post potential ideas in sketches—just those in the production phase or completed.
Do you keep separate social media accounts for personal versus business use?
Glaswand: I use Instagram for my business, and the focus is to tell the visual story of my work—both in-progress and the visuals that inspire me. I occasionally sneak in a bit of the personal—some images of my daughter’s wedding—but sparingly. I am not a huge personal social media presence as I tend to be a bit private, and usually don’t feel that my everyday activities are that interesting to others, ha!
What is your favorite social media platform for business?
Glaswand: I prefer Instagram for business as it can be an open platform to all, and it is effective for telling a visual story. It works particularly well for conveying a powerful and immediate visual read. I am always a bit confused when I have to read a lot on an Instagram page and have no idea what the story being told is about.
How about for personal use?
Glaswand: I have a personal Facebook page and a business one (that I must admit, my husband posts on more than I do) but, Instagram still works best for me.
First social media site you check in the morning?
Glaswand: Instagram.
Which is better: Snapchat or Instagram Stories?
Glaswand: I am not familiar with Snapchat and not sure if I have an opinion yet on Instagram Stories (sorry to show my technophobia!).
Your feelings on Pinterest: Do you use it?
Glaswand: I don’t use Pinterest, although it is fun to sometimes find one of my pieces on someone’s board.
Tell us a social media success story.
Glaswand: I recently posted my Edge Ring next to the very simple, initial sketch…and was amazed at the immediate, strong response I got from the post. I noticed the same response from an earlier post of my Cosmo ring next to the sketch. I look forward to posting more of these.
5 favorite jewelry-related accounts to follow on Instagram: GO.
Glaswand: @gemgossip; @thirdcoastgems; @jewelsandgems_ for the fabulous selection of antique jewelry and great photos; @diamondoodles is always so much fun; and @athousandfacets. There are many more fabulous bloggers out there, but these immediately came to mind.
OK, 5 favorite NONjewelry related accounts to follow. (Surprise us!)
Glaswand: @shirleehadadi for her beautiful travel shots and interesting commentary; @iconoduly for the gorgeous, highly crafted jewelry posted (not to mention the masterpieces he curates in all other mediums); @dailyoverview, the most amazing daily aerial shots of the earth (they look like contemporary paintings); @art_for_breakfast; and @artobserved—I love to look at artwork, my first passion!
Social media pet peeve?
Glaswand: I must admit, I have a problem with people posting endless images of their feet, their coffee, and every other bit of daily minutiae—this may date me a bit. I think if you are using social media in a public way, you have to step back a bit and consider if your information is really of any interest to strangers (I hope I am not offensive in saying this!).
If you could offer one piece of advice to anyone—from budding jewelry designer to seasoned pro, or even the casual user—just getting into the social media arena, what would it be?
Glaswand: Keep your photos interesting visually, and edit the story! It is not fun for me to have to dig endlessly to understand what someone is promoting. If it is a product—and to boot, a visually exciting one—then your job should be to communicate that—not endless photos about unrelated images.
Finally, what’s your favorite meme?
Glaswand: Cannot say it’s my absolute favorite, but it made me laugh. I love the baby memes.
Follow Amy Glaswand on Instagram and Facebook, and visit amyglaswand.com.
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