Social Life: Jewelry Designer Abby Sparks

How the Denver-based jeweler does social media

If it’s a one-of-a-kind, custom-made jewelry design you’re looking for, then Colorado’s Abby Sparks is your gal. Though she took an interest in jewelry at the early age of 6 (experimenting with her Native American grandmother’s extensive collection of beads and artifacts), she took a circuitous route toward starting a jewelry business. After getting a premed undergraduate degree and enjoying a subsequently busy career, the now-designer switched gears and went back to school to earn an MBA in finance and entrepreneurship. Now she’s getting back to what she loves most—much to our gain in the industry—with her Denver fine jewelry boutique. But where there is jewelry design, there is social media. Because, seriously, just try to create such beautiful things such as Sparks’ without wanting to share them—and that goes for many, many jewelry designers. Fortunately for me, I was able to get Abby Sparks to answer just a few questions in what will be the first in a new series I’d like to call “Social Life.” May we learn, gain inspiration, and enjoy the beautiful work from all who share it with us! First things first: How Abby Sparks gets social.

Abby Sparks Instagram | JCK On Your Market

A snapshot of Abby Sparks’ Instagram page

What is your favorite social media platform to use for business? How about for personal use?

Abby Sparks: I prefer Instagram for both. I love the visual and instantaneous element. You can express so much in one tiny little image.

First social media site you check in the morning?

Sparks: Instagram.

Which is better: Snapchat or Instagram Stories?

Sparks: I personally prefer the Instagram platform.

Abby Sparks Instagram photo | JCK On Your Market

Give us your best social media success story.

Sparks: Every time we post a photo of one of our client’s engagements is a success story in my books!

Social media pet peeve?

Sparks: Negative posts and anything with bad vibes. Social media should be fun and uplifting!

If you could offer one piece of advice to anyone using social media—budding jewelry designer to seasoned pro—what would it be?

Sparks: Have fun, be yourself, post what you love—your inspiration, your work, whatever makes you happy in life. Sincerity translates into a beautiful feed. Don’t think about it too much!

Five favorite jewelry-related accounts to follow on Instagram. Go.

Sparks: Angie Crabtree, Diamondoodles, Get Rocked, Jewelry Journal, For the Love of Gems.

Okay, 5 other accounts to follow (not jewelry!).

Sparks: Rad Girls Collective, Barneys New York, Boss Ladies Magazine, She Said Yes, Dram Apothecary.

Last one: What’s your favorite meme?

Sparks: Jewelry meme | JCK On Your Market

Follow Abby Sparks on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+, and visit

JCK Contributing Editor

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