September’s Jewelry Hot List

I don’t know about you, but I can’t take any more of this heat. Most summers in Los Angeles the days are hot but dry and the nights are cool, if not downright chilly. It’s the classic Mediterranean climate; you really can’t go wrong.

But not this past summer. Oh no. This summer, we’ve been cooking. Temperatures have hovered above 90 degrees week after week (though I know that compared to what many Americans have endured this summer, that’s relatively cool). The telltale sign that L.A. is in the midst of a sustained heat wave? I can’t recall the last time I took a cardigan or cover-up out with me in the evening.

After melting away yesterday at a daytime baby shower for my dear friend Jeannie, I’m starting to believe the heat is here to stay—and that I’d better get used to it. So I’ve decided to embrace the hotness by paying homage to this month’s hottest things:

Hot City

If you’re tuned into fashion, you know that New York Fashion Week is in full effect. A recurring theme seen on the runway over the past few days of shows—minimalist, futuristic styling—seemed to reach a crescendo at the Diane von Furstenberg event on Sunday night, when the designer donned a pair of Google glasses brought by front row guest Sergey Brin himself. The high-tech glasses, which are fitted with a tiny digital device/camera, foretell a future in which you’ll be able to navigate the world and simultaneously send emails, take photos, look up directions—hell, even gawk at your favorite jewels. And we’re only halfway through Fashion Week! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week has in store.

New York City is undeniably hot, but if luxury is your stock in trade, your eyes are trained on Paris, where the 26th Biennale des Antiquaires takes place Sept. 14–23 at the Grand Palais. Like most of you, I’m going to have to enjoy the collections of haute joiallerie presented there vicariously. Sigh.

Hot Designer

Years ago, before I joined the staff of JCK, I had the opportunity to meet Monique Péan in her chic Manhattan loft and get to know a little bit about the designer before the rest of the jewelry industry discovered her sophisticated take on earthy materials like mammoth ivory. She struck me as incredibly poised, and impressively driven, so it’s no wonder that I’ve seen her name pop up on my Twitter feed over and over in reference to fashion week. When reports about fashion label Edun’s party to celebrate its first ad campaign came out, Pean’s name was noted alongside the names of other boldfaced guests, including Stephen Dorff, Rose McGowan, and Jeff Koons.

Another hot name this month (and every month) is Kara Ross, who earned props from several editors enamored of her chain lock necklace. Its bold proportions successfully turned the attention during fashion week away from apparel and toward jewelry. Well done!

Hot Philosophy

I noted the resurgence of “Made in America” in a blog earlier this summer, but the looming presidential election has turned up the volume on the rhetoric—not that the movement to promote domestic manufacturing is merely a reflection of opportunistic campaigning. Analysts have cited rising wages in Asia and the toll taken by the Great Recession as factors behind the rise in American-made goods. And jewelers are no strangers to this phenomenon. This fall, JCK is running a feature article on how retailers are benefitting from the push to promote Made in the USA. You won’t want to miss it.

Hot Show

In less than two weeks, the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair opens, and all eyes will be on the international event, which serves as a bellwether for prices, trends, and moods in the all-important fourth quarter. Has the Chinese luxury market truly slowed down, as reports would have us believe? Are diamond prices stable or falling? Are American buyers confident in the run-up to the holiday? These are the questions we’ll be looking to have answered as we watch the show unfold. Look for a full review in our November issue.

Hot Trend

Last week, an email from Henri Bendel arrived in my inbox. The subject? “The New Necklace Trend.” I couldn’t resist clicking on the link and perusing the Henri Bendel site, where collar necklaces studded with crystals, laced with ribbon, and strung with chains filled the screen, immediately eliciting a covetous reaction from me. Like this futuristic-looking silver collar from the stylish sisters behind Anndra Neen (whom we profiled in the July–August 2012 issue of JCK), dramatic, metallic necklaces that fit close to the collar are all the rage this season.

The vogue this season is for collar necklaces like this awesome piece by Anndra Neen.

On that note, keep your eyes peeled for our October issue, which includes pages of products that are trending for the holiday—including some very stylish collars of our own choosing!

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