Diamonds / Industry

SCS Diamond Guru to Head Sustainability at Lab-Grown Group


The Grown Diamond Trade Organization (GDTO), the new for-profit lab-grown group, has appointed Stanley Mathuram, formerly of SCS Global Services, as its new head of sustainability standards and ratings.

Mathuram spent 11 years at SCS, eventually becoming its executive vice president. He was instrumental in the development, launch, and implementation of SCS’ Sustainability Rated Diamonds standard.

He left SCS last year and now heads his own company, ECG Global Solutions.

The GDTO plans to issue $5 reports that list a diamond’s color and clarity, based on manufacturer representations and retailer quality control.

In an interview with JCK, GDTO adviser and Daniel’s Jewelers CEO David Sherwood said the group would issue “sustainability ratings” for diamonds based on information the group could gather about their production. If that wasn’t available, the GDTO might use general data related to the growing method, an approach he conceded “wasn’t perfect.” But he feels that rating all the diamonds in a piece is a step forward.

At press time, it wasn’t clear if Mathuram will continue that approach. He was not available for an interview Thursday.

In a statement, he said, “I am excited to join the GDTO and contribute to the advancement of sustainability in the lab-grown diamond industry.”

GDTO’s executive director is Martin Hurwitz, CEO of MV Marketing.

Photo courtesy of the Grown Diamond Trade Organization


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By: Rob Bates

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