Picture This: 25 Photo Highlights of My Jewelry Week 2014 Experience

To call the past week of jewelry shows in Las Vegas an incredible experience would be cliché, but so be it because they were incredible! I saw so many stunning jewels—many of which will end up on this blog and some on the pages of JCK magazine—and ran into so many industry friends (many old and a few new) that I’m feeling quite humbled by all the love. Attending the LUXURY, JCK Las Vegas, and Couture jewelry shows meant seeing many new styles destined for sales in the months ahead, attending keynote speeches, presenting seminars (three total!), helping retailers source new lines, and spending time with myriad industry friends, learning about how their businesses are faring and just catching up socially over cocktails. Here are photo highlights of my week at the shows. Have a favorite moment about the past week in Las Vegas to share? Please weigh in on the comment function.

ARA Collection

ARA Collection micro-mosaic opal pieces


Bavna necklace in 18k gold with black spinel


Jewels from new exhibitor Bhansali at LUXURY


Fire opal ring (and gummy lips candy takeaway) from Colette

Yours truly in my new Belle Etoile bow necklace

Yours truly in my new Belle Étoile bow necklace

Aquamarine ring from Effy Jewelry

Aquamarine ring from EFFY Collection

Jennifer Heebner, Britttany Siminitz, and Jacquie De Almeida

From left: yours truly, Britttany Siminitz of JCK Marketplace, and Jacquie De Almeida of Jewellery Business Canada having a very unhealthy dinner before the Olivia Newton-John concert at the Flamingo

Ruby and diamond bracelet from Goldstein Diamonds

Ruby and diamond bracelet from Goldstein Diamonds

Kaura jewels

Pieces from Kaura Jewels, one of JCK’s Rising Stars in the Design Center


Bracelet from MCL

Me and industry journalist Deb Yonick

Me and industry journalist Deb Yonick; folks kept mistaking Deb for me and you can see why. We could be sisters!

Design talent Kimberly McDonald and me

Geode-loving jewelry designer Kimberly McDonald and I ran into each other at the Wynn. I think of Kimberly not only as a talented artist but also as a therapist of sorts considering all of the inspiring and positive messages that she posts on Facebook.

Natalie Dissel

Jewelry from Natalie Dissel, a JCK Rising Star

Diamond bracelet from Nicolis-Cola USA in the LUXURY show

Diamond bracelet from Nicolis-Cola USA at the LUXURY show

Nina Runsdorf

Designer Nina Runsdorf in one of her necklaces

Norman Covan diamond earrings

Norman Covan diamond earrings

Omi Prive

Omi Privé jewels sold during JCK Las Vegas

New rings from Pamela Froman

New rings from Pamela Froman

Memorial space for beloved jewelry designer Robin Rotenir

Memorial space for beloved jewelry designer Robin Rotenier

New colored gemstone jewels from Frederic Sage

New colored gemstone jewels from Frederic Sage

New necklace from Sethi Couture

New necklace from Sethi Couture

New bi-color tanzanite necklace from Vivaan

New bicolor tanzanite necklace from Vivaan

New opal and diamond bracelet from Sutra

New opal and diamond bracelet from Sutra Jewels

Pantone-inspired jewels from World Trade Jewelers

Pantone-inspired jewels from World Trade Jewelers

From left: Judy Meli, Danielle Barber, Jeff Prine, Leah Rudolfo, and yours truly

From left: Judy Meli (freelance designer), Danielle Barber of Suna Brothers, Jeff Prine (freelance editor), Leah Rudolfo (photo director) of JCK magazine, and yours truly celebrate the close of jewelry week 2014

The Style 360 blog is your editorial source for the newest jewelry, trends, market analysis, trade show insights, designer profiles, and more.

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