I recently came across an Instagram post by Denver retailer Aria Agarwal, who styled an assortment of earrings—each one equally covetable—on her ears.

I was so moved by the selection in this particular example: gorgeous moonstone drops by the lovely Laurie Kaiser, cool and chic ear cuffs from Jade Trau. A really compelling mini ear climber style from the retailer’s house collection. Truly, I’d like them all, and this is precisely the reason why piercing parties are such a huge success: With so many brilliant options to adorn your ears, how can you not want to make room for more?

My favorite of the bunch—a pair of earrings that has an immediate place on my holiday wish list (rather, my holiday self-purchase list, because I deserve it, and so do you!)—are the Kite earrings by Page Sargisson.
Agarwal selected a single stud from Sargisson’s small version of the Kite collection, in glowing, luminous moonstone. It has this magical effect, as moonstone often does, pairing perfectly with the jewels from other designers in a harmonious symphony on the ear. It’s got gold, it’s got gemstones, it’s got good vibes.

“I saw the loose stone cut at one of my stone dealers and thought it would be great as an earring,” says Sargisson when asked where the idea for the design came from. “It was quite large, so I had my lapidary cut smaller versions, then even smaller versions. They’ve been selling so well for years now, so I introduced the teeny size this past summer at the trade shows.”

Page Sargisson’s Kite earrings come in a variety of sizes: large, small, and—a recent addition—teeny. Imagine wearing all three in one ear, oh my goodness, that’s wonderful. Along with the options for size, customers can select between 18k yellow gold or sterling silver (not only does that offer two different looks, but it helps with individual budgets as well), and then comes perhaps the most agonizing decision of all: which stone to pick. If you can select only one, how do you choose? There’s turquoise, moonstone, onyx, lapis, garnet, citrine, amethyst, blue chalcedony, pink opal, prehnite, chrysoprase, clear quartz, peridot, and labradorite. Whew. There are slightly fewer options for the large size, but still plenty to allow for some tough decision-making.
Which only makes for better gift-giving options—just in time for the holidays. If anyone was curious what I’d like (this can be applied to many shoppers, I’m sure) earrings are always most welcome. They always fit, a variety is a wonderful thing, and if I don’t have enough piercings to hold them all, well, that can be remedied.

Take note from Agarwal and style some of your best stud earrings in showcases, on employees, and on social media this holiday season. You may not only inspire expert styling tricks, but also sales. Just be sure to include one or more of these must-haves from Page Sargisson. It worked on me (clicks “place order”), and it will probably do the trick for some of your shoppers, too.
Top: Small and teeny Kite earrings with turquoise in 18 yellow gold, $185–$240
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