Industry / Security & Crime / Technology

Opsydia Names New Chairman


Opsydia, the Oxford, England–based company which has developed laser inscription technology for gems and jewelry, named Nigel Vaughan chairman.

Vaughan has a tech background, having served as nonexecutive chairman of VividQ, a developer of holographic technology for video games, and chair of Sondrel, a specialist in semiconductor design.

Vaughan’s experience “will help Opsydia as it continues its growth from its foundations in gemstone security into its next applications in semiconductor and diamond-based electronics,” CEO Andrew Rimmer said a statement.

Vaughan takes over from Jonathan Kendall, who will remain a nonexecutive director of the company, supporting its work in gem and diamond security and traceability. Kendall is vice president of CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation.

(Photo courtesy of Opysdia)

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By: Rob Bates

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