How She’s Managing: Aziza Handcrafted Founder Aziza Nicole

Every Thursday during the pandemic, we’re checking in on members of the jewelry trade in an attempt to glean shareable tips and tricks for doing business—and living as well as possible—during the COVID-19 crisis.

Today we hear from Aziza Nicole, the 30-year-old founder of jewelry brand Aziza Handcrafted.

JCK: Hi, Aziza! Where are you based and how is the atmosphere of your town right now?

Aziza Nicole: Hi! I’m based in Brooklyn. You will never kill the spirit of New Yorkers, but these times have proven to be challenging. However, the love within our communities is our guiding light.

What is your work environment/office like? 

My studio is my sanctuary. Very peaceful and Zen.

How has the pandemic changed your business plans for 2020 and beyond? 

The pandemic has surprisingly had a positive impact on the overall growth of my business. A business plan that I had set to accomplish by next year has already been achieved.

How have things changed at retail for you?  

They have improved. During this pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement has been heard loud and clear. Especially [as it pertains to the proliferation] of Black-owned businesses finally being seen and acknowledged.

What has your designing output been? Have you been designing new pieces? 

I have been designing new pieces and continuing to hone my craft. I’ve also had time to branch out with new ideas and nurture old ones.

Aziza Handcrafted rings
Aziza Handcrafted rings
Aziza Handcrafted model
Aziza Handcrafted pieces on a model

How have your heart and mind been reacting to the Black Lives Matter protests and movement? 

I am hurt by the loss of my brothers and sisters, but proud of my community for continuing to fight for justice.

What can the jewelry industry do to become a more diverse and inclusive industry? 

It can continue to create platforms that feature multicultural designers’ jewelry collections that speak to the masses.

How have you been relaxing or mentally escaping during the pandemic? 

I’ve taken trips out of New York and [I’ve been] focusing on my wellness through meditation and self-love.

Do you have any good book/TV/movie/podcast recommendations? 

Books: All About Love, The Four Agreements, The Art of Communication, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

Top photo: Aziza Nicole (all photos courtesy of Aziza Handcrafted)

Follow me on Instagram: @emilivesilind

JCK Senior Editor

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