Diamonds / Industry

LGD in Tech Appoints Ram Glick Director of Media Engagement


Ram Glick, the former vice president of marketing for Israeli diamond grower Lusix, has joined LGD in Tech as director of media engagement.

Founded last March, LGD in Tech aims to build awareness within both the tech and diamond industries about possible uses for lab-grown gems in tech applications.

Glick will spearhead the group’s new social media platform, Think Grown Diamond, and will facilitate cooperation between growers, users, researchers, and companies.

“I find it extremely encouraging and inspiring that more and more diamond growers recognize and visualize the vast possibilities and opportunities that grown diamonds can offer to various technology and industrial sectors, which are impacting our daily lives,” Glick said on LinkedIn.

Glick served as Lusix’s vice president of marketing from February 2018 to August 2019. He also worked for the Fura Marketing Council, which promoted gems mined by gemstone company Fura.

LGD in Tech recently hired former Diamond Foundry vice president Rod St. Michel as director of strategic partnerships.

(Photo courtesy of LGD in Tech)

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By: Rob Bates

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