The Jewelers Board of Trade has appointed Michael L. Kaplan its new chairman.
Kaplan (pictured) takes over from Todd Wolleman.
Kaplan had previously been the Providence, R.I.-based group’s vice chairman and has been active in the group for two decades.
The group’s president is Richard Weisenfeld, who officially took over last month for the retiring Anthony Capuano.
Kaplan is the president of Rocket, a New York City-based company that creates packaging and displays for fine jewelry. In his 55 years in the industry, Kaplan has also served as a board member of Manufacturing Jewelers & Suppliers of America (MJSA); past president, past chairman, and board member of the New York 24K Club; past president, secretary, and board member of Plumb Club; and scholarship board and treasurer of the Women’s Jewelry Association.
(Photo courtesy of Rocket)
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