The funky mix of cuts, colors, and gems in these drop earrings from Arya Esha make them an extremely memorable pair! I love all the different stone shapes, the majestic mix of purple and orange, and the 18k blackened gold with pops of colorless diamonds. And at $4,800 retail, they’re a one-of-a-kind bargain.
Mismatched earrings in 18k blackened gold with 23 cts. t.w. carnelian, 7.37 cts. t.w. amethyst, 4.9 cts. t.w. citrine, and 0.25 ct. t.w. diamonds, $4,800
The Style 360 blog is your editorial source for the newest jewelry, trends, fashion, market analysis, trade show insights, designer profiles, and more.
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