Color Fix: The HotRocks Collection by the Rock Hound

First things first: If you’re at JCK Las Vegas, you can check out this collection in person in the Design Center, booth B18129.

You’ve read about the Rock Hound here before, with this piece on the London-based designer’s killer gemstone creations. The collection I’m sharing today is no doubt just as killer, but its bursts of color come from not the rare gemstones of its Chromanteq collection, but rather from the brand’s signature nano ceramic coating.

The HotRocks collection was introduced in the fall of 2017, but there’s no time like the summer to grab a handful of color (much like the photo, above).

The Rock Hound blush HotRocks pendant

The Rock Hound red HotRocks pendant

Cast in recycled sterling silver, the collection features pendants, rings, and earrings created by coating the molds of natural quartz, trigonal crystals in the nano ceramic. According to the brand’s website, “each quartz crystal has been handpicked as an exquisite example of their trigonal crystal system, and highlights the various habits they can be found in. A singular crystal wand with horizontal striations running the length of alternate sides, clusters of perfectly-formed hexagonal prisms capped by pyramids, or a row of perfectly-twinned crystals are all evident.”

The Rock Hound green cluster HotRocks pendant

The Rock Hound red cluster HotRocks pendant

In crystal speak, trigonal minerals have threefold symmetry, where three of its four axes are equal in length and lie at an angle of 120 degrees from each other (I definitely had to look that up). The resulting appearance will please avid gemstone and mineral collectors just as much as it will color seekers.

The Rock Hound hot pink HotRocks pendant

The Rock Hound turquoise HotRocks pendant

With 10 colors to choose from, you can basically build your own rainbow anytime you’d like, though I enjoy each on its own merit, too. The wand pendant particularly, with its slim, elongated shape, looks amazing on a long chain (it comes on a 22-inch silver chain). I like the idea of the cluster pendant worn at a shorter length (it comes standard on an 18-inch chain, so the designer must agree).

The Rock Hound orange HotRocks pendant

The Rock Hound yellow cluster HotRocks pendant

I’ve chosen to highlight only the pendants here (it just screams “easy breezy” for summer, to me), but HotRocks features rings and earrings, too. To check everything out, see the collection page on the Rock Hound’s website!

Wand pendants in recycled sterling silver and nano ceramic, £535 ($713) each; cluster pendants in recycled sterling silver and nano ceramic, £470 ($626) each

JCK Contributing Editor

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