Put simply: The job hunt sucks. For those in search of a new position, it can be a stressful, confusing time, filled with more questions than answers.
Maybe you’ve been there, searching keywords on all the popular online job sites like Monster and Indeed. Maybe, as your cursor blinks in that keyword field, you’re not even sure what to type. It’s easier to think that somewhere down the line, a friend of a friend knows someone who’s hiring, and you’d be perfect for the position—a serendipitous connection that would make this whole process go much more smoothly.
Gem Gossip’s Danielle Miele (pictured) may have found you that friend. The gemologist and blogger has announced a new Instagram account, @jewelryjobs, bringing the industry’s directory to everyone’s favorite social media platform.
After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response to her weekly job postings on @gemgossip‘s Instagram Stories, Miele realized she had something there—something worthy of its own account.
So @jewelryjobs was born, currently in its very early days and already boasting a number of job alerts, from jewelers wanted to in-store sales associates and even a remote operations manager.
For a little more insight to this buzzworthy venture, I asked Danielle a few questions. Enjoy below, and happy hunting!
JCK: This is such a necessary resource in our industry. Though job directories do exist in print and online, going the route of social media speaks to a new era of job applicants. What was your thought process behind putting this all on Instagram?
Danielle Miele: My thought process behind doing this all on Instagram only was the ease of it for both myself and for those looking for jobs. Most people are already constantly using Instagram, so why not use it to job search? I follow 1,500 jewelry designers, stores, and industry insiders. I often see jobs posted, but this takes it a step further by taking those listings and putting them in one dedicated spot.
Do you have any plans to mediate the relationship between employers and potential employees, or is this more hands-off?
As tough as it is to create a whole new account that needs to be managed alongside my main account (@gemgossip) and my shop page (@shopgemgossip), so if I did anything more than post job vacancies for the @jewelryjobs account, I would be crazy!
How do you find the job openings that you share? Is there a way companies can submit openings to you?
I’ve been taking screenshots for the past month of job postings I see just from the people I follow already. Now that people know about it, word of mouth is spreading pretty quickly, so I have an inbox full of potential job postings. The best way to submit a job opening is to DM [direct message] @jewelryjobs and let me know the position that needs to be filled and where it is (store or designer, city, state). I keep the postings pretty minimal, and if someone wants more information, they can get in contact with whoever is hiring.
I know it’s brand new, but thinking ahead, do you see this growing in some way? The Gem Gossip Jewelry Employment Agency, perhaps?
As with most everything I do, like Gem Gossip for example, I don’t think too much into what could be in store for the future. I listen to my gut and go in the direction that it tells me. If I can connect hundreds of passionate people to their potential future dream jobs, that will make me so happy—but let’s start with one for now!
Lastly, what is your advice to someone either trying to enter or change positions within the jewelry industry?
For either phase, you should really ask yourself, “What am I really good at?” “What sets me apart from other people?” Once you know the answer to those questions, hone in on what you can bring to this industry and find your niche. There are so many jobs within this industry—not just sales as I once thought 10 years ago. And there are so many amazing designers, stores, brands to work for, so be patient and look for something that resonates with you!
(Photo by Tiff Pemberton)
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