Fourth Annual Bench Jewelers Conference & Expo

The fourth annual Bench Jewelers Conference & Expo will be held April 26 – 29 in Buffalo N.Y., and will include seminars, demonstrations, networking opportunities, and an exhibitor show. 

Pre-conference seminars on advanced stone setting, advanced laser welding, and jewelry photography will be held April 26.

An all-day educational conference will be held April 27 that includes seminars, bench demonstrations, networking opportunities, discussion groups, and meals. Andrea Hill, Brad Simon, and Steve Satow are among the instructors for the day.

The Supplier’s Expo—showcasing tools and equipment companies, finding companies, refiners, casting houses, diamond and stone dealers, Laser Welders, and CAD programs—will be held April 28 and 29.

In addition, the expo will include demonstrations and seminars on the show floor and refiner tours. A gala reception will be held April 28.

Bench Jewelers Conference & Expo will be held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel. Special Room Rates are available for conference attendees and includes free shuttle between the airport and hotel and free parking for those staying at the Adams Mark. To book a hotel room call the hotel directly and tell them you are attending the conference and expo or log onto:

Bench Jewelers Conference & Expo is open to all bench jewelers including professional and serious hobbyists. Admission to the exhibit floor on Saturday and Sunday is free with advanced registration, or $10 at the door. A nominal fee will be charged for the education conference on Friday and for all meals during the weekend.

Bench Jewelers Conference & Expo is presented by Bench Media, Publisher of E-BENCH, BENCH Magazine, and BENCH VISION. For More Information, visit or write to Bench Media, 106 South Pinepoint Drive, Spartanburg, S.C. 29302.

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