Earrings that Elongate the Neck – Not!

There are some physical features almost universally desirable in terms of modern standards of beauty. One of these is a long, graceful neck.

Although most commonly seen on individuals who are tall or average in height, there are petite women as well whose necks are proportionately long relative to their height.

For those many millions of us who have short necks, our ears perk up when we hear about earrings that will make out necks appear longer. Thus is the promise given in the Accessories Report in the February 2010 issue of Lucky magazine, which reports that the pictured rhinestone earrings from lydellnyc.com “magically seem to elongate the neck.”


Oh, if only it were true. The fact of the matter is that long earrings such as these will indeed emphasize the length of a long neck. On a short neck, however, they will have the opposite effect: They will emphasize precisely how short the neck is. The length of the earrings will make the neck appear even shorter.

To make a neck appear its longest from a style strategy perspective, choose vee necks, scoops and other necklines that open up space beneath the neck to give the appearance that the neck itself is longer. Choose earrings of a cluster or stud design that sit on the earlobes and bring the attention upward. If you prefer drop earrings, choose styles that end no lower than the midpoint of the length of your neck.

If you have a short neck and wish for your neck to appear as long as possible, give shoulder-dusters, however attractive you may find them, the cold shoulder.

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