Auction House Doyle Appoints New CEO, President

Auction house Doyle has appointed Laura K. Doyle as its CEO and Joanne Porrino Mournet as its new president.

Laura Doyle is the youngest daughter of Kathleen Doyle and founder William Doyle, who died in 1993, Kathleen Doyle has served as company CEO for the past 25 years and will continue as chairman.

Kenneth McKenna will continue to serve as the auction house’s chief financial officer.

Laura Doyle, who also serves as vice chairman, began her career at the New York City–based auction house in its client services department and later served as director of its jewelry department. She recently oversaw a major renovation of the company’s Manhattan headquarters and the acquisition of a new warehouse in the Bronx. She also founded Doyle’s online-only Hayloft Auctions division, also in the Bronx.

She has a B.A. in art history from the University of Pennsylvania and spent a year studying at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London.

Joanne Porrino Mournet has held senior positions at Doyle for more than 25 years, most recently as executive vice president and executive director of estate and appraisal services. As an auctioneer, she has sold collections totaling more than $1 billion during the course of her career. She regularly represents Doyle at professional estate-planning conferences and will continue as a liaison to banks and law firms.

Joanne Porrino Mournet
Joanne Porrino Mournet

“I am passionate about the auction business. We are so fortunate to work with beautiful objects and fascinating people,” said Laura Doyle in a statement. “New generations of buyers are continually entering the auction market globally, creating new trends in collecting. Never has there been a more exciting time in our industry!”

In October, JCK’s Amy Elliott spotlighted the items being sold at Doyle New York’s Important Jewelry auction.

Top, from left: chairman Kathleen M. Doyle, and new CEO Laura K. Doyle (all images courtesy of Doyle)

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