Discovery Channel Green-Lights Show About Rare-Gem Hunter Don Kogen

Let’s hope Discovery Channel’s upcoming reality show Game of Stones doesn’t include the beheadings and bloody wedding rituals featured on a certain popular HBO show.

However, the reality series should deliver plenty of Indiana Jones–style action as it follows extreme gem hunter Don Kogen, CEO of Gemguys, Inc., across the globe. According to Discovery’s website, each episode will feature Kogen and his team of rare-gem hunters in countries including Thailand, Turkey, India, Tanzania, and Brazil as they race against competitors to be the first to claim rare stones.

Kogen has lived a pretty exciting life up to this point, so the new show shouldn’t add to his stress level. According to his bio on Gemguy’s website, he was abandoned on the streets of Thailand at age 13 and then immersed himself in every aspect of the local gem industry. He bounded around countries that had a vibrant gem market, started his professional career in earnest in Thailand in the 1980s, and started selling gems online in 1998 after becoming frustrated with traditional gem trading. Kogen has been working with Houston-based Gemguys for more than 15 years.

According to Discovery, Kogen’s team will also feature gemologist Gavin, money man Tony, ex-military bodyguard Fear (yes, his name is Fear), and logistics guru Kat.

The show premieres Feb. 28 at 10 p.m. on Discovery.

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