Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

First, I wish all my readers who celebrate a new year filled with happiness, health, success (however you define that), and peace. Shanah Tovah. 

This week … It’s beginning to look a lot like an okay Christmas … You may have Yurman in stock. But stock in Yurman? … And what you should know if you swallow a diamond. (Besides, that’s nuts.) .. All below …


Smyth Jewelers to manage Bailey Banks & Biddle.

– Interview with new management.


Two retail forecasts predict strong holiday.


Dallas jeweler’s diamonds turn up at GIA Hong Kong.


GIA discovers lead glass-filled synthetic ruby.


David Yurman hires financial analyst as first CFO.

– Is Yurman going public?

– From 2011: IPO part of Yurman dinner table talk.


J.C. Penney keeps “free haircuts for kids” promotion.

– Former Sears exec: “Strategy is sound.”


Indian diamond crisis “all man-made.”


Lazare Kaplan appeals dismissal of case.

Statement in 8K.


Gold price hits six-month high, more gains seen.

– Moves higher following Fed move.


Avi Krawitz: Will Hong Kong show prove market has bottomed out?


U.N.: Liberia not stamping out illicit diamond trade.

 – Report. (Relevant section on p. 10)

– U.S. may stop funding compliance program.

– Liberia says it lacks the cash.

– Government criticizes Reuters.


Kimberley Process chair: Issues around violence “aren’t going away.”

– Zimbabwe expresses resistance.


Layoffs may be coming at Diavik.


Rio Tinto in “no rush” for diamond review.

– Still sees long-term fundamentals.


Jeweler Munnu Kasliwal dies.


Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., jeweler dies.


Jewelry industry remembers 9/11 on social media.


NRF hopes to block “swipe fee” settlement.


Breeden selling again at Zale Corp.


Nordstrom to open Canadian stores.


Forevermark announces nationwide TV ad campaign.


Tiffany turns 175.


Susan Jacques celebrates three decades at Borsheim’s.


Companies spotlight breakup jewelry.


Embee releases “Magen David” cut to trade.


Micha Barton sports “huge” engagement ring.


Chinese man passes swallowed diamond.

– And it turns out to be fake.

– Was he just a decoy?

– Helpful guide: “What happens if you swallow a diamond.”


Media Watch:

– The Financial Times on lab-created diamonds and diamond investment options.

– Jewelry expert Michael O’Connor to host television show.


From the Blog:

Interview with the New Management of Bailey Banks & Biddle.

David Yurman Going Public?


From JCK:

– My article on how to appeal to Millennial jewelry buyers.

– My article on male engagement rings.


The Diamond Five

Five Unusual Covers of “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend.”



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JCK News Director

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