De Beers Plans New National Ad Campaign

De Beers will run national TV commercials this fall for the first time in years, with new ads spotlighting its Forevermark brand.

The commercials, which had not been produced at press time, spotlight the Forevermark’s new “Center of My Universe” product concept, and will run on network and cable TV this fall.

“The script is from the point of view of the man,” says Forevermark vice president of marketing Colby Shergalis. “We see everything that she does for him in his life. We see little snippets of their life together: an engagement, her with a baby. You do get a sense of everything she does and how she really is a central force in his life.”

Ads for the concept will also run in national newspapers, magazines, online advertising outlets, and on social media.

The print ads feature a round ring, a cushion ring, and a round pendant. The TV ads display a round ring and round pendant.

Center of My Universe is a twist on the Halo design. It will officially debut this fall.

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