Blogs: On Your Market / Fashion

Britt’s Pick: Alison Nagasue’s Enamel Ladybug Charms


Though a smattering of snow is quietly falling outside as I write this, I feel the tiniest hint of spring on the horizon. When I awoke this morning, it was lighter than usual. The birds were singing, and somehow it didn’t feel quite as frigid as it often does. Yes, I don’t know precisely when, and surely winter will double back as it does during the warmer days of March, but spring is indeed on its way.

And I am so excited to get outside and plant a garden. Mind you, I’ve absolutely no idea what I’m doing, and I’ve got to have the blackest thumb of anyone, but I’m anticipating that time nonetheless. I’ve been browsing websites selling flowers and seeds, piling them high in my cart and wondering, Is it too soon to order them all now?

But with the spring comes, well, bugs. I hate bugs! Or more, I guess I’m squeamish about them. But there is one lucky little insect that I welcome into my view any day: the ladybug.

I hope she’ll grace my budding garden this year and help it to grow, keeping away the pesky little creatures that munch on its greens. I hope she’ll sit on my finger while I let my daughter observe, proving that her mom isn’t completely afraid of at least one sort of outdoor creepy-crawly.

And when our fascination for the ladybug grows, I’ll know precisely the little piece to honor it with. From designer Alison Nagasue, these adorable little enamel ladybugs are just the perfect little pendants or charms to wear for good luck, or to give the gift of luck.

I love that they come in a range of colors—while I’ve seen red, orange, and even yellow ladybugs in the wild, I can’t help but wish there were pastel pink ones fluttering about, because what a sight that would be.

I love the idea of a group of these charms, one in each color, clustered at the end of a long chain. They would also look lovely layered with other important pendants, and strung along a thick or thin chain bracelet. Better yet, make that an anklet—a single ladybug dangling from a golden anklet might just be the style I’m searching for as summer approaches.

With Mother’s Day quickly appearing on the horizon, I see these little ladies as a wonderful gift for any caretaker or loved one who enjoys spending time outdoors, or in their gardens. I’m not sure quite what it is, but there’s just something about a ladybug that says, “I love you,” and I believe they can be a dotty delight to all.

Top: Ladybug charms in 18k yellow gold enamel, $165 each; Alison Nagasue

By: Brittany Siminitz

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