Bergman Elected Chair of 24K Club, N.Y.

Phyllis M. Bergman, president of Mercury Ring Corp., and 2009 chair of 24K Club, N.Y.Phyllis M. Bergman, president of Mercury Ring Corp. (pictured left), has been elected chairperson of The Twenty-Four Karat Club of the City of New York for 2009. Bergman is the first woman to hold this position in the 107 year history of the organization. She also has the unprecedented experience of being a fellow member of the club with her husband, Ira, and her son, Jeffrey.

Michael Toback, President of Myron Toback, Inc. (pictured left), was elected to serve as president in the coming year. Toback has been a member of the club for 12 years, of which his father Myron is also a member.

Other officers elected were Harvey O’Conor, president of Findings, Inc. as vice president; Alan F. Kleinberg of Michael Werdiger, Inc. as treasurer; and John Kennedy of JSA as secretary.

Todd Wolleman, president of Leo Wolleman, Inc. was elected as a new board member. Continuing on the board are Peter C. Fuller, Richard Greenwood, Alan M. Kaufman, Dione D. Kenyon, Curtis A. Ley (immediate past chairman), Aron L. Suna, Thomas A. Tanury (immediate past president), and Robert A. Wueste.

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