Atlanta Jewelry Show’s SJTA U Schedule

The 2008 Southern Jewelry Travelers Association U educational program will focus on top trends and business issues impacting independent jewelers today. The program is part of the Atlanta Jewelry Show, being held March 1-3 at Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta.

All SJT U programs are free to attending retailers. Advance registration is recommended for the Lunch & Learn programs. To pre-register for these and other programs, retailers can call 800.241.0399 or 404.634.3434. Online registration is also available at The SJTA U program includes:

Saturday, March 1

New Exhibitor Meet and Greet

9 a.m.

Third-Party Loss Is No Party!
9:30 a.m.
Darin Kath, Jewelers Mutual Insurance Co., president and CEO 

Introduction to Laser Welding
10:30 a.m.
Presenter: Jason Hughes, Crafford-LaserStar Learning Centers

Lunch & Learn-Reservations Requested
In the Trenches with the Atlanta Jewelry Show Retail Advisory Board:
Your OTHER Business Partner: Managing Retailer/Vendor Relationships
Moderated by Jeff Unger, Alisa Unger Designs, Mind Massage Consulting and featuring selected members of the Atlanta Jewelry Show Retail Advisory Board

Presentation Of Product: Get Your Store to POP!
1 p.m.
Larry Johnson, Pacific Northern, Inc., and Author 

Tips and Tricks of Buying Pearls
2:30 p.m.
Rebecca Shemwell, Tracy Pearl

Sunday, March 2, 2008

New Exhibitor Meet and Greet
9 a.m.  


Keynote Address: 
Brilliant Service is the Bottom Line

9:15 a.m.
Simon T. Bailey, Speaker, Author      

Process to Profitability
10:45 a.m.
Abe Sherman, Buyers International Group, CEO 

Lunch & Learn- Reservations Requested:
Jewelry Merchandising Workshop
12:15 p.m.
Larry Johnson, Pacific Northern, Inc. and Author 

In the Trenches with the Atlanta Jewelry Show Retail Advisory Board:
Show Off Your Independents–Ways That Independent Retailers Get Noticed

1:30 – 2:45 pm
Moderated by Terry Chandler, Atlanta Jewelry Show Retail Advisory Board, Member, Diamond Council of America and featuring selected members of the Atlanta Jewelry Show Retail Advisory Board

Generate Goodwill and Good Traffic With Cause-Related Store Marketing
2:45 p.m.  
David Rocha, Executive Director, Jewelers for Children

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