Polly Wales’ Latest Masterpiece Is a ClusterF@&$ It takes a special kind of jeweler to completely hone their own style—one that can only be theirs, and is instantly recognizable by those who know...
Jewels From My Inbox: September 2023 No month of the year shows a greater transition than September. (more…)
Britt’s Pick: JV Insardi’s Convertible Aerial Earrings There’s a rising desire among consumers to make smart purchases, so it makes sense that convertible jewelry would be seeing a jolt in demand. ...
Liv Luttrell’s Autumn Series Is Luxury Everlasting If the emails I receive daily from retailers hawking the latest fall fashions have anything to say about this season’s trends, it’s that we’re...
Picture-Perfect Purple Sapphires for a Colorful Fall Purple is one of those colors people really love—or really don’t. It doesn’t seem to please the collective eye as much as a blue or green, two...
Britt’s Pick: Toktam’s Kahkeshan Sky Ring September is an absolutely lovely month of transition, in many ways. It's back-to-school season, as the carefree vibes of summer settle into...
A Ring for One’s True (Pumpkin Spice Latte) Love It's September 1—Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) season is here. Never mind that we haven't yet passed Labor Day weekend; for some, the real introduction...
Carefree Jewels to Soak Up What’s Left of Tomato Girl Summer Summer won’t officially be over until late September, but it’s not unofficially over yet, either—not until the end of Labor Day weekend....
Britt’s Pick: Jessie VE’s Soul Weight Locket A good work of art varies in perspective depending on who’s looking at it, and that is true of this latest release by London-based jeweler Jessie...
Holiday Must: Meili’s Pillars Collection As I write this, Starbucks has made its annual debut of the polarizing pumpkin spice latte (PSL, for short). (more…)