Live From AGTA Tucson 2015: New Rocks From Gangi Gems

Fossil Bamboo agate? Pyrite? Bumpy-surface hematite? Yeah, Bill Gangi’s got all those weird stones and more at Gangi Gems, booth no. 122 at the AGTA GemFair Tucson, which opened yesterday. Gangi is always my first stop at the show for his funky inventory, and I know many others—including some of industry’s most celebrated jewelry designers—also hit his booth first. This year the Franklin Square, N.Y.–based stone dealer and cutter was offering boulder opals, meteorite, and agate geodes, among other goodies. Here’s the skinny on those three types of rocks for sale.

To see more new jewels live from the show floor, follow me on Instagram @JenniferHeebner.

Boulder Opal

Boulder opal from Gangi Gems

About: Freeform cabochons from 1 to 2 inches 

Treatment: None

Mined: Australia

Cut: In-house

Keystone price per piece: $200 to $1,200

Agate Geodes

Agate geodes from Gangi Gems

About: Freeform pieces of about 1 inch

Treatment: None

Mined: Sonora, Mexico

Cut: In-house (“We split them open like a coconut and polish the edges,” Gangi explains)

Keystone price per piece: $30 to $60 a pair


Meteorite from Gangi Gems

About: Natural blastoids from iron meteorite that exploded in the air, and acid-etched meteorite slices that shows the unique crystal structure (called widmanstatten lines)

Treatment: None (save for the acid etching on the slices to make the patterning pop)

Mined: Blastoids are from Siberia, Russia, ca. 1943, and the slices are from Sweden, ca. 1906

Cut: In-house

Keystone price per gram: $4

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