Are You Sapphire Savvy? Take Our Quiz and Find Out!

Think you know September’s birthstone? Take our true-or-false quiz and see how much of a master you are. Be sure to let us know how you fared in the comments!

  1. 1. Sapphires don’t make very good everyday rings because they are so soft.

  2. 2. Sapphires come in a variety of colors, including pink, yellow, orange, and red.

  3. 3. Kate Upton currently sports what is arguably the most famous sapphire jewel to date.

  4. 4. The sapphire is not only the birthstone for September, but it is also the designated gem for the 45th wedding anniversary.

  5. 5. Asterism refers to the phenomenon of the star shape that appears on some sapphires.

  6. 6. The name padparadscha, the orangy-pink version of the sapphire, means sunset in Sinhalese.

  7. 7. Sapphire has long been thought to be a stone of protection.

  8. 8. Color-change sapphires are fabled, and their existence comes only from man-made stones.


Like this quiz? Test your gemstone knowledge with our other quizzes below!

JCK Contributing Editor

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