Infographic: Holiday Shopping Goes Mobile

Two infographics landed on my screen recently, providing more evidence that mobile commerce is more than just a passing fad.

The first from Prestige Marketing was produced before Cyber Monday, but it still offers some important data that the jewelry industry should check out. Here are some of the numbers that jumped out at me:

  • Smartphone users are projected to spend $498 each on holiday gifts this year, and 27 percent of consumers will make an online purchase while in the store.
  • 70 percent of smartphone users take action within one hour of conducting research.
  • Users spend 10 percent of their time on mobile devices, but the advertising industry spends only 1 percent of its budget on mobile.

The second infographic, from Rise Interactive, gives a snapshot of mobile trends for the 2012 holiday season (you can click the image to enlarge it). The stats that I found enlightening were:

  • 90.6 million people in the United States are smartphone users.
  • 68 percent of smartphone users plan to use their device for holiday shopping, and $36 billion of holiday sales revenue will be influenced by mobile.
  • 43 percent of Americans would rather give up beer to keep mobile Internet (this blogger is not among them).

Were these infographics helpful? Have you researched other infographics that have proved useful? If so, feel free to email and I’ll share it with our readers.

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