5 Insights From Twitter on Jewelry F-Commerce and M-Commerce

Several recent articles in JCK magazine and on JCKonline.com have debated the of value F-commerce and m-commerce for today’s retail jewelers.

Both issues have been on the minds of JCK magazine readers, as many of them grapple with the difficulties of the turbulent and ever-changing marketplace. JCK senior editor Jen Heebner’s article in September 2011—Future Shop: The Ins and Outs of Facebook Commerce—had one jeweler who argued that an F-shop was “a natural evolution,” and another who “wouldn’t recommend doing it.” JCK senior editor Rob Bates outlined tips jewelers could use to prepare for m-commerce last May, while editorial assistant Stephanie Schaefer recently asked several jewelers about whether or not m-commerce was a necessity for retailers in 2012.

With nothing better to do on a Tuesday night, a couple of my Twitter companions tried to educate me on the level of importance these two issues have to the jewelry industry.

The biggest take away from the conversation was that jewelers should focus more on perfecting overall web strategy and e-commerce before seriously venturing into F-commerce or m-commerce (thanks to JCK marketplace manager Brittany Siminitz for articulating that again at the end of the evening!).

For those curious, these were the questions I asked. Feel free to express your own views in the comment section, or reply to @danielfford on Twitter and use the hashtag #socialjewels.

  • Is F-commerce something an independent retail jeweler should be looking into right now?
  • What should jewelers’ objectives be with F-commerce?
  • How do jewelers determine what items are the best to promote on F-commerce?
  • How do jewelers measure their return on time, sweat equity, and any ad dollars they are spending with Facebook?
  • Is m-commerce something an independent retail jeweler should be looking into right now?
  • How should jewelers objectives be with m-commerce right now?
  • Can independent jewelers compete with BlueNile (and other online seller’s low margins) with F and m-commerce?

Here are 5 of my favorite tweets from Tuesday’s chat:

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