New Company To Distribute Precious Metal Clay

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation has announced an additional distributor for precious metal clay (PMC) in the United States. The Dallas-based company PMC Connection has been created to promote the use of PMC in the hobby market, particularly among potters, ceramic studios, and glass artists.

In addition to selling PMC products, tools, and related supplies, the new company will offer a variety of classes under the guidance of Mary Ann Devos, educational director. These will include a three-day certification program linked to discounts on PMC Connection products, a program intended to encourage artists to teach classes entrepreneurially. A similar program is offered by the PMC Guild and will continue to operate as it has for the last two years.

Rio Grande Inc. will continue to serve as a supplier of PMC products, tools, and findings. PMC Connection, 3718 Cavalier, Garland, TX; (866) PMC-CLAY,

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