No December dues for Leading Jewelers Guild members

Leading Jewelers Guild, a member owned jewelry organization of independent retailers, announced that dues for the month of December 2003 will be canceled.

“Our executive offices have operated so efficiently that we’re able to cancel the dues billing for the balance of this year,” said Sid Sather, president of Leading Jewelers Guild (also owner of member store: Sather’s Leading Jewelers in Ft. Collins, Colo.).

“I owe our success to our staff of dedicated professionals,” said West. “They consistently complete their work on budget and ahead of schedule.” The group’s activity in the third quarter consists mostly of design, preparation, and distribution of catalogs, special mailings, signage and other marketing materials. Members enjoy the benefit of being able to participate in “group run” projects at their share of Leading Jewelers Guild’s cost.

Leading Jewelers Guild, a non-profit organization founded in 1958, is comprised of and owned by 28 member companies representing 155 stores coast-to-coast. It offers their retail membership the opportunity to lower overall operating costs and increase buying power in a strong, relationship driven environment. A full service merchandising and strategic planning operation, Leading Jewelers Guild provides marketing, catalogue production, and advertising resource for overall business needs of their member companies. For more information contact West at (310) 820-3386

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