AGS Laboratories has announced that C. Clayton Bromberg, CG, has been elected the new chairman of its board of managers. He replaces Charles Lacy, who served as chairman since 2002. Bromberg most recently served as vice chairman on the board of managers.
Bromberg is a sixth-generation member of Bromberg and Co. Inc. and is president and chief executive officer of Underwood Jewelers Corp. in Jacksonville, Fla.
An active member of the American Gem Society since 1980, Bromberg is a past president of the Society and past member of the International Board of Directors, where he also served as secretary and president-elect. He has also served as marketing chair for both AGS and AGS Laboratories. Bromberg has served as president and board member of the Florida Jewelers Association, past executive committee member of the Jewelers of America, past executive committee member of the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, and was chairman of the Retail Jewelers Research Group. He is an active member of the Carat Club, and in 2004 was the winner of the Robert M. Shipley Award.
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