Gary Bowersox, known in Afghanistan and Pakistan as the American Gem Hunter because of his daring expeditions to those countries (last year’s trek included carrying the explorer’s flag for the Smithsonian Institution) has a new kind of adventure in the works.
Back in the States after a summer trip to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, Bowersox is focused on creating a museum and store in his home state of Hawaii. He wants to design, build, and operate a high-quality gem, mineral, and jewelry museum in which all items will be for sale. The museum/store will sponsor public lectures and seminars by guest speakers from foreign gem-mining areas, offer tours and films, and sell books on gems and minerals.
Bowersox is looking for partners and says companies that invest “will be involved with top professionals in the fields of gemology, geology, gem mining, and jewelry.” He also notes what could be a once-in-a-lifetime perk: Investors may be allowed to write off business trips to Hawaii.
Bowersox hasn’t abandoned exploration for the (relatively) soft life of a museum operator/store owner. “I’m now working on programs directly with the ministers of mines in both Afghanistan and Taj,” he says. “A group of us are working on exploration programs for both countries to be presented at the GIA Scientific Symposium next August.”
For more information and to see images from Bowersox’s gem treks, visit Bowersox can be reached by e-mail at