Are New York sightholders in trouble? Someone pointed out this interesting nugget in Chaim Even-Zohar’s recent (well worth reading) piece on Diamdel …
According to my calculations, there is no way …that the DTC will be able to accommodate a single sightholder in New York in the next contract period.
He also predicts “considerable pain” in Antwerp and Israel. In any case, this seems like a pretty sweeping statement. There is at least one New York sightholder that is known for its political connections, particularly in Africa, and I can’t see De Beers dropping them (even if “political connections” is not listed on the sightholder criteria.) This may also depend on your definition of “New York sightholder,” since at least two of them now have factories in Africa, and can get sights that way. Still it’s a pretty disturbing prospect to think about …
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