Savings for GIA Online Business Courses

Students enrolling in any online Gemological Institute of America School of Business course for the July 16 term will save $150 per course.

Each 10-week course combines traditional business theory with jewelry industry specifics and practical strategies that students can immediately use in their careers. Eight courses, ranging from Retail Management to International Law & Trade, are offered at the special price of $840, making it easy and affordable for working professionals to choose subjects that fit their career goals and budgets.

Online business students participate in an interactive classroom environment with peers from different parts of the world and different parts of the industry. They contribute to class discussions in an open forum, and learn from e-lectures, jewelry-specific case studies, textbook readings, and each other, all while applying the curriculum directly to the industry.

GIA offers its Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Jewelry Business Management diploma programs, and individual business courses both online and at its World Headquarters and Robert Mouawad Campus in Carlsbad, Calif.

The summer term starts online and on campus on July 16. For more information, or to apply to the GIA School of Business, please call 800-421-7250, ext. 4001 or visit

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