Revere Academy’s ‘Green’ Jewelry Class

The San Francisco-based Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts is offering its second Green Jewelry class on March 7.

Students of the school’s first class learned how to get materials responsibly, how to work without danger to the environment, and how to answer questions from consumers.

Two instructors teach the class. Jennifer Horning is an environmental attorney and consultant, and one of the original co-founders of Ethical Metalsmiths, a non-profit organization committed to increasing awareness and demand for responsibly sourced materials as an investment in the future. Christine Dhein, assistant director of the Revere Academy, has written several articles about green studio practices and is founder of the eNewsletter, “Green Jewelry News.” The instructors provide information, facts, charts, resources, and a list of suggestions to improve the environment in which jewelry is made. While neither claimed to have all the answers, the instructors offered a wealth of information and real-life experience to convey essential information. They raised awareness of the key social and environmental issues and enabled each participant to walk away with an individual plan to go green and support fair, ethical practices. According to one participant, the class “brought insight and energy to the topic,” while giving students concrete information.

In six hours, participants will learn where metals and gemstones come from, about green suppliers, and what they can do to promote healthy mining practices. This class offers jewelers the information they need to respond to customers’ questions about the sourcing and sustainability of materials. The class also covers gold testing, ingot making, safe and eco-friendly studio practices, future green business, and certification. The cost of the class is $129 with $50 of the fee going to Ethical Metalsmiths. Green Jewelry will be held March 7 from 9 am to 4 pm. To register, visit 

The Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts is a professional jewelry school that offers diplomas and certificates as authorized by the State of California. Classes are offered at all levels. The school is located in downtown San Francisco’s historic Phelan Building. Schedules, information and a video tour are available online and from the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, 760 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, Ca 94102.  Tel: 415-391-4179 Web Site:, e-mail: Fax: 415-391-7570.

Caption: Christine Dhein (left) and Jennifer Horning, instructors for the Revere Academy’s Green Jewelry class.

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