It’s “showtime” in our industry. Shoppers will soon be crowding stores, and jewelry is at the top of many holiday gift lists. How can you distinguish your business from the competition this season and ring up more sales?
An AGS jeweler once told me his secret to success: “You have to sell yourself first, then your store, and then your product.” Your customers can go anywhere in town to shop. Give them a reason to buy from you.
The holiday season is an opportunity to build customer relationships. The more your customers know about you as a professional, credentialed jeweler; your business standards; and the quality of the brands in your store, the more they will trust you and want you to be their jeweler.
Be the jeweler in your community who fosters trust with local consumers. Spend time explaining the details of the jewelry your customers are considering, discussing synthetic or treated stones, and communicating any important information they may not know to ask. Transparency is key.
Share your knowledge with them. American Gem Society members take the information they learn through their annual recertification exam, at our annual Conclave, through our webinars, Guilds and Young Titleholders meetings, and turn that knowledge into best practices for their businesses.
Equally important is selling products that you trust and your customers can as well, such as diamond grading reports from AGS Laboratories. Talk to them about the report so they understand the diamond better. Educate, engage, and inform.
Now more than ever, customers want to feel comfortable with not only where they are shopping, but also with whom they are shopping. The more you can share your knowledge, the more you can sell.
Ruth Batson, RJ, is the CEO of the American Gem Society and AGS Laboratories.