Quips and quotes from jewelers, suppliers, and attendees in Phoenix April 24–27:
1. Inspired Jewelry (@inspiredonline) Love this comment we just heard at #agsconclave “So you’re from NZ… that’s so exotic … but in a good way” 😉 love it! 🙂
2. Elisa Olufson (@ElisaOlufson) Just went to the wrong class not once but twice #AGSConclave. Funny that Rebellion didn’t show up in my personality type
3. Sirius Star Diamond (@SiriusStarCA) Looking forward to seeing those of us born in and after the ’70s dress for the ’60s at @AmerGemSociety #AGSConclave President’s Party.
4. Jen Cullen Williams (@JenCullen) Is there a way to freeze time so I can spend more time with my @AmerGemSociety friends? #AGSConclave
5. Futer Bros Jewelers (@Futerbros) Everything about this year’s #AGSConclave has been wonderful. Even being stuck in the elevator with my husband for 30 minutes. Really.