Rolex Claims E-Tailer’s Watches Aren’t All Real

Rolex has sued, saying the online watch retailer is selling versions of its products with counterfeit parts.

The suit, filed July 26 in Central District of California court, claims that, earlier this year, Rolex ordered three watches from, which bills itself as “USA’s #1 online retailer of luxury wristwatches.” The watches, Rolex claims, included non-Rolex parts that bore a fake Rolex stamp, as well as parts from older watches.

The company further said that, while Melrose bills itself on Google as the “USA’s #1 Rolex Store,” and features Rolexes prominently on its homepage, Rolex has no affiliation with the site, nor with the Rolex-themed blogs and forums the site hosts.

The suit charges Melrose with trademark infringement and violating federal anti-cyber-squatting laws, and seeks injuctive relief and unspecified damages.

At press time, Melrose had not filed a response to the complaint. However, the company’s owner, Krishan Agarwal, denied the charges to JCK. sells used authentic Rolex watches as well as 20 other brands of authentic watches and will vehemently defend itself in court,” he said. “Regarding allegations of selling counterfeit parts, those allegations are ridiculous. If you put aftermarket rims on a Ford Mustang, it doesn’t mean it’s not a Ford Mustang. “
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